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Crank Length - Crank It Up!
Connecting the pedals to the chain rings (to make the bike go!), cranks are one of the most overlooked components on a bike. They are...
Saddle Geometry - Slide to the front, Slide to the back!
Bike seats come in all shapes and sizes. Additionally, there is also adjustability in tilt angle and how far forwards and backwards the...
Seat Height - How low can you go? No, thats too low....
Like most aspects of a good bike setup, seat height adjustment is a balancing act of compromising power and muscle optimisation, with...
A Riders Dark Story
Domino Release 8.5.3FP6HF586 (Linux for Intel) StartFragmentMy name is Ian Cuthbertson and I am an addict. It has been 4 days since my...
Make the bunch a thing of beauty.....
It's the first of March. I thought I would provide a long post to distract us from the implementation of the Minimum Passing Distance...
Safety On a Group Ride
Safety on a Group Ride. Bike riding is a simple and fun right? Jump on, pedal, have a chat with your mates, enjoy the wind in the hair....
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